September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m a black trans person and I love a universe that has room for me to live in (without queerphobias and colorism). Suggest me a novel that will remind me that there are beautiful things in this world. I’ve found a few that have done so thus far (Imperial Radch, Murderbot, wayfarer) but now I seem to have exhausted that route. Lately the sci-fi I’ve been grabbing has just been bleak af. Got any hope punk?

    by ftmftw94

    1 Comment

    1. It’s not really sci-f, but the “American Hippo/River of Teeth” novellas by Sarah Gailley might interest you. They’re set in a version of the Old West where people ride hippos. It’s an ensemble cast that includes black and NB characters.

      It’s not a vision of a future, more of just a fun thought experiment: wouldn’t it be cool if cowboys rode hippos?

      EDIT- Chelsea Vowel’s “Buffalo Is the New Buffalo” is a collection of Metis Futurism stories. They have a generally positive outlook towards the future for queer people and indigenous people, but doesn’t touch specifically on black experiences. It’s a little too angry to call hope-punk, but it’s the good kind of anger if that makes sense.

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