September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    So, this is a little different than what others probably come onto this subreddit for (I’m a newbie here). I am currently writing a story where two characters meet in a library upon noticing they are reading the same exact book, thus sparking a conversation about it. I have the scene set up, but I’ve been having a hard time finding which book the two will actually be reading. The book they are reading is imperative to their relationship and will sort-of foreshadow how their relationship turns out. So, I have come to this subreddit to help find what book I should have these two characters read! I wish for the book to be a dark, psychological horror and/or thriller. Something I am also looking for in this book is the theme of soulmates. Destiny, fate, all that jazz. However, my attempts at searching for this theme in particular have only resulted in finding those cheap romance novels with shirtless men on the cover (no shame if you like those, it’s just not my thing, nor is it what I’m going for with these characters).

    Numerous google searches and all the books collecting dusk on my shelf have failed me. Thus, I am putting the fate of these characters in your hands, Reddit. Please help me!

    by fairyonthemo0n

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