September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m halfway into reading it and is it just me or is this book hard to read?? as a college student this sorta gives me my philosophical, academic required readings boss level of the english language.

    I’m trying to read for leisure and pleasure here but it’s a bit tricky. Like there’s a lot going on at once and as a visual person **my mind is running a mile an hour**. I’m just curious if this is how his writings go or is it specific for this book. Nonetheless, I shall strive to finish this book and then read other Dostoevsky books (crime & punishment, notes from the underground, the idiot, etc.)

    What are your thoughts on Dostoevsky’s writing? No spoilers please :))

    by angelbunny03


    1. UniversityThatway on

      I found crime and punishment to be an easier read as a college student as it is a more narrative driven book in my opinion with fewer asides then the brothers karamozov or the demons. As a start you could try one of his “small” novels like the gambler or the idiot though they were less intellectually satisfying then the “big” ones.

    2. It’s probably my favorite book. Definitely top 2. It is absolutely a challenging book for a few reasons. I think the translation matters too. I would say that you should just read the story and get what you can out of it, don’t stress too much. Enjoy it because at some point the book will be over and you will have to say goodbye to the characters. It was the first book I read where I was actually sad when it was over because it was like I was saying goodbye to the people in it as lame as that sounds.

    3. studmuffffffin on

      It’s a very difficult book. What helped me was taking notes in the book and keeping all the character’s names on my bookmark notecard. Don’t know if that’s an option for you, but it helped me.

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