September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In Portugal we have a book series named “Uma aventura” which translates to “An adventure”. The first book was published in 1982 and currently has 66 books.

    This book is part of all portuguese teenagers, me included.

    For those wondering what the stories are about: Five teenagers who are always in some kind of problem and sometimes they need to solve crimes alone with the help of two dogs.

    Despite being an extremely popular book, I only have two of them: *Uma aventura entre Douro e Minho* (An adventure between Douro and Minho) and *Uma aventura no estádio* (An adventure at the stadium). The reason I have both books is because the first one happens in my grandparents ‘ region and the second because I love football.

    I think the books are interesing: the stories are easy to understand, they have illustrations and they have a lot of plot-twists, however, the fact that some of the books are old makes them a little hard to understand sometimes.

    If I can I am going to try to read again one of the two books I have and if I can I will go to Lisbon’s book fair and ask the authors for an autograph (if the size of the queue allows me to do it…)

    by CRNXD38

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