September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for more booktubers and other book content creators to follow who make great video essays. So not TBRs, top 10s, individual book reviews, etc. It’s ok if they do that *too*, but I’m looking for deep dives on a topic, theme, trend, etc. Someone who is great at talking about books, their impact and place in culture, and the evolution of the craft.

    Some examples of what I’m talking about:

    [It’s Lit – How Fictional Pandemics Reflect the Real Thing](

    [Lindsay Ellis – The Most Whitewashed Character in Literary History]( (ok yes I’m just looking for more Lindsay Ellises)

    [The Rise and Fall of Teen Dystopias](

    [The Book Leo]( does a good amount of this too

    These ones trend historical because my preference does too, but they don’t have to have a history slant. In fact I’d love to expand my range a bit.

    So who do *you* go to for extended thoughts on books, literature, and writing? And what topics do you wish these types of creators would cover?

    p.s. by “meta” I don’t mean videos about like booktuber drama or whatever.

    by AllTheBandwidth

    1 Comment

    1. Kelsier_ThrowRA on

      Hello future me is really good on big essays, if you want BIG try his cyberpunk genre video

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