July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I tried real hard to finish ‘Our Mathematical Universe’, the subject and the content appealed to me but no matter how much I soldiered on, I couldn’t finish it!
    This is the first book after ages which left me this helpless, earlier there were many(notable mention- Jen and the art of motorcycle maintenance) but I thought I was older and wiser now but alas:(
    Are there any recent books that you picked that you really wanted to read but couldn’t?

    by tapastiwari


    1. Of classics that everyone is supposed to read for their sheer genius, *Catch 22* and *Dracula* (though I don’t know how they are rated on Goodreads) both defeated me.

    2. Hello_There666 on

      Project Hail Mary lmao it’s sooo popular rn but all I see is mark watney reskinned

    3. Turn of the Screw didn’t defeat me – only because it’s under 150 pages, I believe. But I hated it. Every time I thought it was going to pick up and get to the point, I was immediately let down. 0 stars

      The one that’s super popular in romantasy right now that did defeat me is From Blood and Ash. It’s like 4.25 stars in goodreads but so bad

    4. Ninth House by Leigh Bardough. It has 4.04 on Goodreads. I enjoy the setting and vibe but the story for me is very dry. I’ve heard so many great things so finally reading it I was excited but it’s become a chore to finish at this point.

    5. Lord of the Rings. I enjoy fantasy, I liked The Hobbit, but I just can’t get into them. I’ve tried the Rob Ingells audiobook version and didn’t care for his narration. If my library ever gets the Andy Serkis version I’d like to try them.

    6. deplorable_word on

      Those Thorns and Roses books. Couldn’t get through the first thirty pages: utter, utter crap

    7. DoctorWhosOnFirst on

      I did finish it, but Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak is so grossly rightwing/transphobic. I can’t believe it’s so highly rated.

    8. Fraud by Zadie Smith. Played through about 300 pages . I just didn’t care and wasn’t interested about anyone in the story .

    9. I actually finished it, but I know that *Catch-22* is the book that most readers who pick it up do not finish

    10. Piranesi. I just cannot get into it. It’s not clicking no matter how many times I try.

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