September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Imagine, you have a friend who despises fantasy and anything fictional, who reads only non-fiction, research etc. You won a bet and now he has to read one fantasy book of your choosing but you actually want him to get interested in fantasy and admit it isn’t useless. Which book are you picking? Why? Have you ever had such a friend who hated fantasy, read one book, and becaume an avid reader?

    Goal is to make your friend consider reading fantasy, without having to win a bet against him, for the second time.

    by SilentThespian


    1. PM_BRAIN_WORMS on

      Depending on a person’s nonfiction interests (radical politics, nautical adventure, sociology), I’d point them to one of the first two Bas-Lag books by China Mieville.

    2. just_writing_things on

      Eh? Why would you make someone read something he despises? Even as a “bet”, that’s not a very fun one.

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