September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been struggling for the last little while. Absolutely nothing keeps my attention for more than a few chapters. I’ve tried rereading old favorites, new books in genres I’ve always liked, and even new genres I’ve never liked before. Everything I can think of really.

    I’ve always been something of a reader. Stories have always been my safe space. I love getting lost in them – I don’t care how predictable they are or how many out of left field turns they take. They have always brought me comfort.

    Now I can’t seem to get any pleasure at all from reading. I don’t know what’s happened. This has happened with other media too, like tv/movies, and videogames.

    I know the initial reaction is going to be ‘op you’re depressed’ and you’re kinda on the right track. I was really depressed for a while, but now I’m in treatment and I’ve been on medication for about a year and I’ve never felt better, honestly. I just can’t seem to find something that keeps my interest even for an hour. This isn’t a problem with anything else, either, just entertainment.

    I’ll get books that sound interesting, sound like a story that will absolutely keep me for a while, and then by chapter 3 I’m like, oh yeah I should read the book I guess? And eventually just stop it.

    I read 30 something books last year. I didn’t push, just read when I felt like it and found something good, but that’s just not happening. I’m bored but the reading isn’t entertaining. For a couple years I also pretty much exclusively read fanfics so I’ve tried that, too, and nothing.

    I’m just really desperate for something, anything, that’s going to make me excited to pick up a books again. And suggestions will be looked at and probably attempted.

    Thanks in advance.

    by Dannyosaurusrex

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