September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve seen a few threads with similar topics but l’m hoping to get some updated and more specific recommendations. Usually I read fantasy, but just finished the Spanish Love Deception and enjoyed it so l’m back on my modern romance kick.

    Ideally I’m looking for modern day/contemporary romance books but if fits I’d be willing to look at others. I really prefer romance set in todays world rather than historical.

    M/F, M/M, F/F is all fine. I’m not looking for any crazy plots, ‘m just hoping to find a rather simple romance book where one of the MCs is afraid of/ uncomfortable with people touching them or the idea of romance, or similar type themes, and the other MC has to gain their trust and they work through it. So more slow burn, less love at first sight and they instantly are a happy couple. It’s okay if they like each other fairly quick, but I still want them to work through things.

    Why this trust issue/fear exists isn’t super important- it could be trauma related or simply because they’ve never been in a relationship before or no one in their family is very touchy so they aren’t used to it, etc.

    Adult romance is great, just nothing where the main thing about it is sex. There can be several sex scenes- explicit is great too, I just want there to be more focus on their relationship than just having sex. I prefer explicit over closed door/fade to black. Romance with spice sprinkled in, not spice with romance sprinkled in.

    I would appreciate any recs! Please give a little blurb about a book, not just the name. Nothing crazy and no spoilers, but please say why you think a book would fit

    by mousegecko

    1 Comment

    1. notbearrypunny on

      Redeeming Love

      California’s gold country, 1850. A time when men sold their souls for a bag of gold and women sold their bodies for a place to sleep.

      Angel expects nothing from men but betrayal. Sold into prostitution as a child, she survives by keeping her hatred alive. And what she hates most are the men who use her, leaving her empty and dead inside.

      Then she meets Michael Hosea, a man who seeks his Father’s heart in everything. Michael obeys God’s call to marry Angel and to love her unconditionally. Slowly, day by day, he defies Angel’s every bitter expectation, until despite her resistance, her frozen heart begins to thaw.

      But with her unexpected softening comes overwhelming feelings of unworthiness and fear. And so Angel runs. Back to the darkness, away from her husband’s pursuing love, terrified of the truth she no longer can deny: her final healing must come from the One who loves her even more than Michael does . . . the One who will never let her go.

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