September 2024
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    I loved 1984 and just finished Julia by Sandra Newman (modern retelling of 1984). I love dystopian books that eerily reflect our trajectory as a society.

    Would I like Brave New World? My apprehension stems from the fact that Brave New World was written almost 100 years ago. I HATE reading books that are written in a way that is difficult to digest.

    TIA and please share any opinions!

    by Vegetable_Debate9232


    1. Humble-Campaign-1402 on

      If you loved 1984, I bet that you are going to like Brave New World. It’s not that difficult to comprehend and it was written almost at the same time as 1984.

      Needless to say that, leaving aside the technological development, Brave New World depicts the future (our present) more accurate than 1984.

    2. Brave New World is one book I find myself recommending time and time again. Along with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

      It’s very old, and in some places quite verbose, but the narrative definitely has some aspects that mirror today’s society.

      I haven’t read Julia though, would you recommend it?

    3. It’s a fantastic book, and really screwed with my head. It really made me question whether or not free will is the enemy, and people would be happier if they were decanted into a cast system they never considered questioning.

    4. If you’re not reading anything written over 90 years ago, then you’re missing out on 90% of the best books ever written.

    5. Express_Hedgehog2265 on

      I’m here to be the naysayers. The story begins with a tour through a lab where humans are incubated, born, conditioned, etc. It gives you a lot of front loaded exposition before introducing any characters. The two we are introduced two are your average citizens, except Bernard feels dissatisfied. This goes on for a while. About 1/3 of the way through, after spending a lot of time with Bwrnard being dissatisfied, we are introduced to an outsider who comes to explore how “civilized” people live. Surprise, he’s the actual main character, and Bernard being dissatisfied just sorta…goes away, I guess. Cue a lot of sitting around basically telling the reader what the point of the story is. 

      If that doesn’t bother you, congrats. You might actually enjoy the book

    6. Brave New World is a classic and definitely a must-read for some one who likes dystopian books

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