July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    society is a collective of human beings who have disassociated from what we truly are and have disassociated from reality in order to participate in this elaborate thing we call society. Humans have reached a point where we are no longer forced to fight for our lives and now fight and subjugate each other on imaginary issues and act as performers on the stage of society, producing behaviors to fit into a perceived reality and identifying with a constructed personal reality.

    by flakkzyy


    1. Guy Debord and Baudrillard had such thoughts. Devord’s famous work was Society of the Spectacle, don’t know about Baudrillard.

    2. Qualityland by Marc-Uwe Kling

      Westmore and More by Jud Widing

      These mainly touch on the idea of living in a meticulously constructed reality and how that can quickly move from comfortable to unbearable

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