October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read the “Golem and the Jinn”i and really liked it, and someone (ok, it was ChatGPT) recommended City of Brass. I just finished it. Overall I liked it. The mythology was really fun and I enjoyed most of the characters …

    Except for Nahri. I like her mysterious background and that, but otherwise I cannot stand her. She ruins the book for me. She is either terribly and inconsistently written, or is one of the stupidest people ever. Or both.

    My thought during the whole book was that she was under some kind of enchantment that made her unable to reason and that at some point she would be cured, but alas , no. At least not in this book.

    So my question: does the Nahri stupidity get turned down in the following books, or is that just how she is? Id like to continue the story but I just can’t read more of that unrealistic hero.


    by davevr


    1. That’s just how she is until that thing happens to her later on.. It might even get a bit worse tbh, but you’ll have to see for yourself.

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