September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Let me preface by saying that I did not dislike this essay/speech. I truly think that it must have been really astounding when she first said it, decades ago. I don’t question its historical relevance.

    But for ME, a 21st cent woman, I was just not that impressed?? It was enjoyable, sure, but pretty basic in terms of its ideas (to me). Like: “men insult women cuz they are angry” and “emotional biases can ruin writing by making it less truth-telling” and “to write you need to not be weighed down by financial stressors”

    My favourite bits were when she complimented Jane Austen as managing to keep her personal (justified) grievances out of her writing compared to Charlotte Bronte.

    Idk I feel like I had realllyy high expectations and was rather letdown. Anybody else?? What am I missing??

    by reesepuffsinmybowl

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