September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It’s my 8yos first time watching a movie directly after reading the book (Prince Caspian). She complained about it not being like the book for the whole movie and at the end said, “I was excited to watch the movie, but now I’m just disappointed.”

    I feel strangely happy and proud to be going through the experience with her.

    by lasweatshirt


    1. I watched Mortal Engines directly after finishing the book and it starts off fine but then the whole second half of the movie was completely wrong.

      They basically made that book into a star wars film with a Trench Run and a “Luke I am your father” scene. Almost none of that happens in the book.

      Some of the best characters got their best features completely stripped from them. Especially the main antagonist who is a mustache twirling diabolical villain in the movie( and the lord Mayor of London who was the true evil one in the book was relegated to a useless blabbering fool who couldn’t stop the main antag despite having full control of the city) . When in the book he was a layered and almost understandable pawn in a bigger game.

      One of the protagonist has her main feature diminished so far that entire scenes didn’t make sense but they pulled them word by word from the book.

      I just don’t understand why they made the changes they did. All of them forced a completely different ending that made 0 sense.

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