September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My friends and I have a book club where we are randomly chosen at the end if each meeting and that person gets to pick the book. I mentioned recently that I’m excited for when I’m picked because I have some nonfiction books I want to read and think would be fun for the others. My friends made some faces and were pretty hard set on not wanting to really read non-fiction as they are all fiction only readers. They agreed that whenever I get picked they will read some but don’t seem happy about it. My original options were Cultish by Amanda Montell, I’m Glad My Mom Died, and Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, but now I’m worried they won’t find any interesting.
    Do y’all have any recommendations for non-fiction books that fiction only readers may enjoy? I want to give them some variety, just in case they aren’t feeling the others.
    Thank you so much!

    by SelkieCoat0


    1. From Here to Eternity was a very interesting and dynamic book about unique cultural practices on how to care for the dead. There are some pictures too to break it up.

    2. No_Tomorrow7180 on

      I’m not a fan of non-fiction but even I’d be interested in I’m Glad My Mom Died. It’s been everywhere and sounds like the kind of thing you’d find far fetched if it was fiction. If they’re thinking you’re going to be throwing text books at them maybe they’ll be pleasantly surprised by that one.

    3. SparklingGrape21 on

      I read fiction almost exclusively but these are nonfiction that were total page turners (at least for me):

      The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner

      American Kingpin by Nick Bilton

      In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson

      Stolen Lives by Malika Oufkir

      Red Notice by Bill Browder

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