September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The books mentioned in the title are all from my childhood, l love them dearly. Yet l find l’ve outgrown them, so it’s time for something more mature.

    I’m looking for something positive, chill despite the hardship, but without the haze of childishness. Maybe (adult) characters in which you find reflection of the cheerful orphan stereotype, how their lives would shape once they’ve come to see all sides of existence. Possibly leaning towards darker events (can’t go around that in life after all) but with the distinctive outlook of never extinguishing hope and humour

    P.S. something beside Jane Eyre please

    Thank you, fellow readers!

    by Luwvie


    1. Not sure if this is really for adults (it was published before distinctions like that were made but A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. It’s a coming-of-age story with a female protagonist in early 20th century Brooklyn.

    2. OpeningSort4826 on

      I imagine you’d find Little Women to be childish at this point, but that’s one of my favorites. I really loved Moloka’i. It may be an odd fit for what you’re looking for. The main character isn’t technically orphaned but her parents dump her in a leper colony  as a little girl. There are really devastating moments but it is truly hopeful throughout. 

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