September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Does anyone know of specific books about the trauma response “fawning” and how to heal? I realize there is a plethora of trauma books on the market and I’ve read many but curious if anyone written one about this specific response. I know books on boundaries can be helpful but I also find they tend to be really challenging to transfer into the complexities of real life.

    Please don’t suggest therapy for this person. I am seeking book titles to pass on.

    by Prussian_AntiqueLace


    1. Lugubrious_Lothario on

      I’m assuming you just finished “Complex PTSD” by Pete Walker. I could swear there were some recommendations specific to fawn these in the section focusing on fawn response, but there is definitely a list of books towards the back in chapter 15.

      *The Drama of the Gifted Child* by Allice Miller is the first one he lists, and it’s supposed to be good for fawn types.

      I’m currently reading *The Covert Passive-Aggresive Narcisist* by Debbie Mirza which i would say also has some relevance, but I wouldn’t recommend it very strongly since it seems more like a collection of affirmations and affirming stories than “helpful” so far.

    2. Friend_of_Hades on

      Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker is great for this and includes a long list of recommended reading at the end! It isn’t solely focused on the fawn response, but it goes into quite a bit of detail about it as well as a lot of other helpful information on trauma processing. This book was honestly life changing for me personally.

      A book on boundaries that I found very helpful for me (as someone who has this trauma response myself, along with the freeze response) is Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab.

      A good book on trauma in general is the Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

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