September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    His name is Andrew Klavan, you may know him as one of those hacks on the Daily Wire but I know him as the writer. I am not here to talk about his politics but just his writing. Dear god it sucks, like honestly Goosebumps books have more suspense in them then Klavan’s novels. He seems to have this narcissistic view of himself like he is some great writer like Harper lee… but HE IS NOT! His plots are all formulaic and bland, his charecters are just blatant tropes and so boring. I read 3 of his books to get a feel for him and I could only finish the first two and half of the third one cause it was so bad. He writes women like how he probably likes em, passive, submissive, ready to do anything for the male charecters, etc, etc. I honestly wonder if he has ever even talked to a woman. His books are absoloute garbage and are the worst things I have ever read. I later found out he also wrote that crappy One Missed Call reboot and just reading the Rotten Tomatoes score should show you how well he can write. I hope those who see this stay away from Klavan’s books, he sucks at writing.

    by Lemonfish99

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