I’m still a bit stunned.
It’s such an amazing book and I’m well-entertained by the wit and the references (I think I’ll reread and try to find more than just Bob Dylan, Eifel65 and Daft Punk) as well as deeply moved by the relationship the two protagonists are building. The world building and timey-whimey stuff is also nice, but the heart of the story are the two agents.
The Nebula (2019) and Hugo (2020), both for best novella, as well as the BSFA for best shorter fiction (2019) are well-deserved.
by TheHappyEater
Thanks. I’m on a sci-fi kick at the moment so I’ll check it out. I particularly love timey-whimey stuff.
I’ve only read about 20 pages of this book, does it keep the same format throughout the whole thing?
I loved it.