September 2024
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    Good morning! So, I just read My Sisters Keeper for the first time and I was shocked by the ending. I saw the movie first a few years ago and then decided to read the book more recently. The endings are completely different and it took me off guard. Does anyone have any similar books that make you think back to the show or movie that makes you go,’What the heck?’ Or ‘That was not what I thought would happen.’

    by Taintedpickles98


    1. The “Foundation” TV show on Apple basically borrowed some character names and a few stories from Asimov’s books and that’s it, they are otherwise nothing alike.

    2. Mortal Engines. Movie ending is almost the exact opposite of what happens in the book. Also makes it impossible to do the sequels, not that they will.

    3. “Annihilation” has a lot of similarities in characters and setting but has an almost entirely different plot and feel to it. I enjoyed both versions.

    4. PotentialSurprise306 on

      11/22/63 such a good book. I really hate they didn’t follow it better in the series. I was really excited.

    5. How To Train Your Dragon, the film took a completely different path which was just as good as the books were.

    6. OhSoManyQuestions on

      I Am Legend. Absolutely infuriating that the film even has the same name as the (excellent) book. It’s so different that you can barely even believe it has any relation.

    7. I know the movie WATCHMEN looks like the comic, but the major changes that the movie made make the movie nothing like the comic in my opinion, and really ruined the story for me. I read the comic and was blown away and shocked, and I can’t say the same happened when I watched the movie.

    8. **I Robot by Isaac Asimov.**

      The book is an anthology of short stories about robots. There is no overarching plot and they don’t rebel at the end. There is also no Will Smith type character.

      The film just uses a few of the ideas in the book as background to a totally original and unrelated story. This story was originally a standard murder mystery called *Hardwired* by Jeff Vintar. All the robot aspects were added in later to take advantage of Disney acquiring the rights to the name “I Robot”. The credits state: “*suggested* by the book I, Robot by Isaac Asimov”.

    9. The Watch. It’s supposed to be based on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books. It’s the most offensive, appalling crime of adaptation imaginable. I’d rather rewatch The Last Airbender on repeat for a week than watch another 10 minutes of that offensive garbage.

    10. Apprehensive-Log8333 on

      I just read Dear Child and then started watching the show, it is very different. But I kind of don’t mind, when there’s twists, if the show/movie is different, so there’s still some suspense.

    11. Ella Enchanted–the movie really has nothing in common with the book except for a couple concepts and names.

    12. **2001: A Space Odyssey**

      Both Stanley Kubrik and Arthur C Clarke worked in parallel on this: Kubrick making the movie and Clarke writing the book. You would think therefore that they would be identical. But they are not.

      Late in the day, Kubrik realised that doing the special effects for the ringed planet Saturn was turning out too difficult and expensive so he changed it to Jupiter which was easier to do. This was too late for Clarke though who had already released the book.

      So the film is about a voyage to Jupiter, but the book is about a voyage to Saturn.

    13. All the Ian Fleming books are nothing like the movies. Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang is about thwarting a robbery in a chocolate shop. Moonraker’s only shared scene is Bond almost getting fried by rocket exhaust. It was a deliberate move by Fleming and Broccoli.

    14. Sugar rush, by Julie burchill, in the book the main character sees her friend for the manipulative person she is and it ends with “that was the last time I ever saw her” in the show they run off on a romantic crime spree and had to bodge in a second series.

    15. “Up in the Air” 2009 movie with George Clooney and Anna Kendrick.

      A close second is “The Firm”. Read the book a few years before the movie came out. While the movie was close in some aspects, I enjoyed the ending of the book over the movie.

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