July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I noticed with a lot of boxed sets that the books are exceptionally small. Like target sells Game of Thrones box set and each book is teeny tiny, These books are 700 to 1000 page plus books ( so i’m told) but the books are so tiny in the boxed set it is like its toddler size LOL Who whats a book so damn small? I bought a box set of Brandon Sanderson Stormlight and each book is like 1200 pages but the books in the boxed set is so compact it looks ridiculous to even hold in my hands they are so small. Like WTF???. Why not make them more normal sized then the 1200 pages will be more like 700 pages and easier to read. The print is so dang small i went ahead and repurchased the books as an ebook.

    by Empty_Wear_5616

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