September 2024
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    1. I’ve only read the handmaid’s tale out of the ones you listed and the one I’m about to suggest is nothing like it.
      But it is dystopia and feminist and so so good, I keep recommending it to everyone!
      I who have never known men by Jacqueline Harpman

    2. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is described by the author as “Pacific Rim meets The Handmaid’s Tale.”

    3. When She Woke by Hillary Jordan

      The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

      Bitch Planet comic series by Kelly Sue DeConnick

      Daughters of the North by Sarah Hall

    4. This is sort of an anti-rec, but I don’t recommend “Vox” by Christina Dalcher. It’s got some pacing issues, and can’t quite decide how much of a science-thriller it wants to be.

      But for things I do recommend:

      Suzette Haden Elgin’s “Native Tongue” trilogy is a sci-fi series about a benign conspiracy of female linguists in a sexist dystopia. They have a plan to free women, and humanity as a whole, by creating a language that will allow people to better express their feelings. You can actually learn the language, it’s called Ladaan!

      Suzy McKee Charnas’s “The Holdfast Chronicles” isn’t conventionally ‘good’, but I love it for being unique, passionate, and committed. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic world settled by the survivors of a military bunker, who divide themselves into men and slavelike ‘fems’. Heterosexuality is tolerated for the purposes of reproduction. It is, I need to emphasize, weird 70’s shit, it sometimes gets very cringe (like, I’d warn POC to be prepared to wince at some of the writing). People >!fuck horses!< so be warned about that too.

      “The Taelach Sisters” books by Jeanne G’Fellers are a fun little series, they feel like reading a fanfic that’s gotten out of control in the best way. It’s a sci-fi world where psychic lesbians with albinism are persecuted by society, and run off to the woods to form butch-femme families.

    5. scandalliances on

      Future Home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich

      Red Clocks by Leni Zumas

      Gather the Daughters by Jennie Melamed

      The School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan

      The Farm by Joanne Ramos

      I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman

      The Core of the Sun by Johanna Sinisalo

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