So I only have vague memories of this book, but I remember reading it when I was younger and some things in it for some reason stayed with me through my whole younger adult/teen life and I would love to be able to read it again. I tried for a couple hours honestly just searching every combination of what I could remember but no luck.
Basically, there’s a boy who goes on holiday to a campsite in a caravan(?) and then the next part I remember is he climbs a hill on a beach and discovers a secret part of the beach, which at some point he shows to a girl he likes, they write their names in the sand, and maybe in a heart?
Another thing I remember is they walk in the campsite and she holds his hand, and comments on how his hand is sweaty.
I know it’s so little to go on but it would mean SO MUCH if anyone could offer any help on what book this is.
If it’s any help, I read it as a child in the UK from a school library.
Thank you so much to anyone who can offer insight…!
by taylahx1