July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I’ve been craving good witchy books for a long time and recently I have found several that have scratched the itch that I’m currently reading:

    *Bitterthorn* by Kat Dunn – sapphic and described as Gothic inspired which I can see the influence of and I quite like the romance tropes it uses, but also would love to see something similar, but maybe rivals to lovers or enemies to lovers? Where both of them are powerful basically!

    *Hex Life* \- short stories, which is what I was really after. I don’t like every single story in there, but I like the format and the general vibe, even if I’m not a big fan of modern settings

    *Penny Bloods, Gothic tales of dangerous women* \- another anthology, I guess this isn’t witch exclusive, but I love gothic tales and if said gothic tales focus on women specifically, what else can you ask for?

    I’d love others to share their own recs that would fit the vibe. I’m in mood to read about witches just doing their thing, whether it’s cottagecore mundane life (kinda like the old The Sims Makin’ Magic whimsical style, y’know? lol) or being mysterious and powerful and scary. Bonus point for old crones being protagonists and either no romance or sapphic romance. Something feminine and focused on women. But I’m open to anything befitting!

    by arsenik-han

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