July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    YA fantasy novel trilogy where girl lives by herself in a snowy town. She thinks her family died a few years ago I think in a house fire? so she’s all alone. She starts dating this guy who says they’ve never met before but she gets this feeling of deja vu around him. He also acts like they’ve met before and like he knows her super well. He introduces her to his sister and her husband who also act like they’ve met her before. Turns out they’re all Nephilim i think? They have powers and fight demons. The demons have the ability to wipe their memories so when she was attacked a few years ago her memories were wiped and she forgot her mate (the new boyfriend) and their family. She eventually regains her memories and powers. There’s one scene where she’s training on a mountain side and is attacked by a male demon. In the second book the boyfriend had his memories wiped but when they go to find him he’s dating the demon who wiped his memories? I think the demon has red hair?

    by Outside-Scientist445

    1 Comment

    1. You could also try the folks over in the whatsthatbook subreddit.

      Pro tip: They can be most helpful if you follow the Rules posted there.

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