September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Currently, I’m reading through historical books which have impacted the world we live in or may have been controversial, and I wanted to ask what books do you believe have impacted the world’s way of thinking.
    Examples include

    * Darwin’s Evolution,
    * Diary of Anne Frank,
    * All Quiet on the Western Front,
    * the Catholic Bible,
    * Communist Manifesto,
    * Killing Hope,

    by NefariousnessFit9350


    1. I realize that this may be an unpopular opinion, but I think the *Harry Potter* books will be considered to be impactful. I know there are lots of concerns about the books (e.g., homophobia, slavery among house elves) and about J.K. Rowling, but the success of the books has really demonstrated that youth and young adult readers will invest their time and energy in books that are more than 100-200 pages long. In addition, Rowling’s success has helped open up the publishing world for youth and YA *writers*. I believe that publishers are now willing to gamble on publishing books for YA readers. (I’m not naïve – the publishers are doing it to get money, but at least the possibility of publishing YA books has opened up a bit.)

    2. charactergallery on

      Uncle Tom’s Cabin, as flawed as it may be, definitely influenced the abolitionist movement in the United States after it was published.

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