September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What do you picture in your mind when you read? I know some people see a movie and some people see black. I actually picture the physical setting, like the inside of a house or the environment where the story is taking place. If my brain can’t picture the physical surroundings I have trouble getting into the story.

    by lily-rose333


    1. I also picture a specific setting that is described in the book. These visual images stay with me in such detail that I still remember exactly how I pictured some of physical spaces of my favorite childhood books, like the Quimby house or the Ingalls’ cabin. Every book I read, my mind somehow makes up a totally different setting.

    2. Ashburton_Grove on

      A basically see a movie in my head when I’m immersed in a book. That only changes when something about the writing pulls me out.

    3. thebookofgquan on

      I picture loose sketches unless the prose is really powerful or evocative, but it’s automatic and not like I’m trying to purposefully map out every angle in the scene in my mind

    4. Environmental_Park_6 on

      Most of the time nothing. Occasionally I’ll get shadows like black and white film but only shades of black and closer to still images. I can’t do visualization which I find weird as I have crazy vivid dreams sometimes.

    5. RachelPalmer79 on

      I always think of The Book Thief. I have an image of Himmel Street and all of its inhabitants. I have sworn never to see the movie. I want to keep the picture I created.

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