September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve always loved reading fantasy/sci-fi, but I’ve noticed recently that I’ve stopped after getting older. I really miss the feeling of reading the genre, and I want to get back into it.

    But I noticed that since most of these books are aimed at YA, the narrator or internal dialogue of any main character is overly angry and hateful towards everything. It’s just so exhausting to read when there is so much whining and pointless hate.

    I’m hoping to rediscover the magic of witty dialogue, twist endings, and actually interesting world building. (For context, I loved reading Shadowhunters, lunar Chronicles and Percy Jackson when I was younger).

    by HumanBeingNo99bill


    1. robina_lexander on

      Check out Incepta Nova by Robin Young. While the main character is a 16-year-old, it’s written with a more mature voice.

    2. For fantasy go for Brent Weeks with his Night Angel trilogy or his Lightbringer series. Truly superb writing with unique magic systems.
      For sci-fi i would recommend Peter Hamilton.
      Either start with The Night’s Dawn Trilogy or his Commonwealth Saga
      Both has some horror in it but his Commonwealth Saga is a bit more positive.

    3. The Name of the Wind – Patrick Rothfuss
      Followed by The Wise Man”s Fear

      Its a Trilogy and the 3rd book hasn’t arrived yet. Amazing world building, characters, conversations, magic, humor, romance, adventure..

      The main character is in his teens, going through all that comes with it, but it doest have that juvenille feeling at all.

      Its a long book/story, but you will be sad when its over. Enjoy the ride..

    4. Try out Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer. It’s a series I expected to dislie but loved it after reding the first book

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