September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m only about 2/3rds through the book but something has been gnawing at me. When Addie first had sex with Henry, she says they didn’t fit together, at least not like her and Luc. I was kind of shocked that this would have been the reveal that they had sex and that it wouldn’t have been turned into a full scene. Perhaps I misinterpreted it, missed something, or it’s yet to be explained. Don’t spoil anything if it’s the latter just say “read on” or something. Thanks in advance for your help.

    by Kid_Charlema9ne


    1. I don’t understand the question? It’s a reference to an off screen sex scene, there isn’t anything you missed.

    2. The author makes a lot of those choices in the book. Other important scenes happen offscreen or get 1-3 lines dedicated to them. I found it really frustrating, especially when said scenes had been alluded to throughout the book. It’s one of the reasons why I ultimately didn’t like it, even though I wanted to like it so badly.

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