September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    the thing is i read penelope douglas’s devil’s night series and i’d say it’s good and well-written but the plot’s interconnected aspects are questionable. i am gonna start with nightfall because that book made me question a lot of things including humanity and how it changes in reverse harem. all the while completely understanding that this series is written by a woman and hence is morphed into something fantastical that they’d desire.

    so as a person who clicked on this you must have read the book. emory scott is a nerdy and grumpy person (not like other girls, no offense). she’s smart, i’l give her that and the definition of ISTJ. she’s a black cat. and then there’s your typical carefree, dark romance rich boy will grayson, the definition of a golden retriver, plus handsome and the typical high school romance protagonist.

    in the beginning, and problematically now, i like emory as a character because she’s not stupid, honestly. she’s abused physically and mentally by her brother. then will comes. he can get anybody he wants literally. and i don’t mean all the blondies who’ll giggle and have s\*\* with him cause he’s hot. i mean he can find love. the real kind of love that exisists in all fiction. not just a fu\*\* buddy. emory isn’t the only woman capable of loving him on this planet of 8 billion people. but because the main character is emory scott, against which i have no protests, he has to fall for her and ngl he’s desperate for her. the thing is he’s a nice lil’ distraction from her abusive household and we can understand it’s not that stable because of her brother and how a ‘playboy’ cannot be trusted. then she knows it’s real but keeps pushing him away and hurting him. if it’s to keep will unentangled from any crap martin scott, her brother, would throw at him, it’s okay. and it’s okay to reject someone you don’t like. but she claims to love him but gives us no reason as to why she keeps just hurting him and emotionally detoriating him. even after she turns eighteen, she leaves her abusive home behind and is free but still keeps pushing him away, highlight, after claiming to be in love with him. now we know one thing. she keeps breaking his heart and it’s not because she wants him safe. will, who could have done and pursued anything in his life, becomes a drug addict, abusing alcohol day to night for this and still reaches out to her mentally. then they meet at blackchruch blah blah and emory never utters a single nice word, acts like he doesn’t exist and treat everyone nice, baking brownies and all that to everyone but him. when she wants to fu\*\* him, she goes did u know they released a new action movie and removes his shirt and proceeds tot he ends of the world. told u ‘the golden retriver’ is desperately in love with this stuck-up and he doesn’t resist it and as i witnessed, emory is more than willing to take advantage of that to satisfy her needs in bed.

    then we realise that she sent him and her friends to jail. first of all, she didn’t utter a single word of true regret and just keeps on going, but with the hate directed from the horsemen. she seems indifferent after admitting that she had a part in sending her true love to jail for two years. how romantic. ok now, she was blackmailed, is the excuse. how? evidence of bodily abused induced upon her by martin scott, are to be used against the horsemen, including will grayson, ‘the love of her life’ and in exchange of proving this with her own hands, emory gets a huge ass cheque and her grandma’s life in a luxurious adult shelter with her power of attorney in emory’s hand. umm well? what is love with no pain and no suffer? ok what happened to faith? what did will say? that she could have talked with him and his family could have sent her grandma to the best life ever witht their riches. she did have a choice, now only if her ‘love’ was real, she’d trust him enough or would be desperate enough to talk to him, so that she can keep him out of jail for god’s sake. that’s the least u could do to the ‘love of ur life’. but she had her whole life and didn’t come clean either. that was, in one word, selfish. when will was so frustrated and desperate to believe that emory isn’t at fault, emory seems mildly disappointed that she lost a good di\*\*. it’s ok to love ur grandma but to dump your love of life in fricking jail without hesitation? ummm….hell! marry me. and then guess what! she has s\*\* with alex in front of will and the rest of the horsemen. all is forgiven. they marry and have kids and live happily ever after. so ladie in case u sent ur man who settled very low for you, to jail cause of ur grandma, have lesbian s\*\* and u can get married for free!

    tell me how this is ok.

    by Few-Interaction7156

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