November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello reddit, I’m a college student and have been developing some side projects on the side for a while now for my mom who’s an avid reader. I’ve created a desktop app that allows you to import a spreadsheet (or create one) of all the books you’ve read with authors, narrators, memorable characters, etc.and display them. As I’m reaching the end of development I’d like to see if anyone would be interested in using or testing an app like this.

    It currently does the following:

    * Allows users to automatically search for a book title, author, or narrator, on any platform that sells books like amazon, hoopla, or chirp with a click of a button.
    * Allows users to save and update a spreadsheet like google sheets locally to their computer. (Not completely identical, but has all the main functionalities)
    * Has A page of Books and A wishlist page, where you can display all of the books and their covers in a single page (Kind of like kindle, but in full color instead of black and white) using Google Books. The wishlist page is mostly for books that you want to read but haven’t gotten around too, if you want to save them for later.

    It’s limited to desktop since I’ve never done mobile app development so that’s the biggest drawback, since everything is stored on your own computer and not in the cloud, but I may look to change that in the future.

    Not sure if this is even the place to post something like this, but im looking for feedback, if any readers have recommendations on other places to search let me know :). What would you want in an app that can do this? Would you even want it with everything already available?

    by 12Aspect25

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