September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Because I have no one to discuss it with…I have just finished reading the song of Achilles and my heart! I kept passing by it in Barnes and Noble and finally picked it up! Madeline Miller was a artist, painting a picture of every tender moment of Achilles and Patroclus and the environment around them. The anger of men and the fear of women. Ultimately, the denial of Bresis (I think I spelled her name right), the hopes of me wanting Patroclus to be with her as Achilles was on a warpath of fighting prophecy and his fellow soldiers and the ultimate sacrifice Patroclus paid and how he BEGGED to not be killed and his essentially last thoughts to be of Achilles. She reflected the Iliad Achilles towards the end of the book and then bounced back to her own version of him. The ups and downs of love and honor and the things Patroclus gave up so the world would remember Achilles.

    My favorite quote is ”I would recognise you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognise you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion

    Favorite quotes? Moments? ANYTHING!!!

    by classicrune12

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