September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I’m reading this book right now, I’m at page 302 or something, and something has been bothering me. Which is why I’m making this post, i would love if someone could explain to me, how does Barry not remember his memories from the current timeline? Like, when Helena goes back in time for like the third time in order to stop the chair from ruining the world, Barry always walks around without knowing where he is or what he is looking at, until the false memories from other timelines come back, and then he also remembers his current timeline. This is something that i find weird, like was he just clueless for 33 years?
    Also when the architect went back in time and built the building, why did it appear out of nowhere? Was it being built in a different timeline and then when the timelines connected it appeared? Does it mean that the timelines with the false memories continue to live on after you go back in time? Maybe I’m supposed to continue reading but it’s been bugging me. Sorry if i made a mess writing this, english is mot my first language and i have many questions. Thanks!

    Edit: another example, page 310, barry is sitting at his police station table, and recognizes it, although later its written that the memories come back to him, he was sitting at a bar, married his wife, and stuff like that. How come he knew what table he was sitting at, and where he was, but still had no memories of the current timeline?

    by godofwarqp

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