September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    But is there somewhere I can go to find recommendations for *phenomenal* books, I’m talking like modern day literary masterpieces.. I’m so tired of booktok and Colleen Hoover and all of the same old authors with average or below average work. I need WRITING. Like beautiful, poetic, metaphors… people that can truly truly write. I have wasted so much money on audible purchasing books with 4-5 stars only to find the writing so juvenile, short choppy repeating sentences, and just nothing of substance. Sometimes I can suffer through them for the story, but other times I really just want a good story AND great writing. I don’t even have a preferred genre, I just want to be blown away every single time I finish a book lol, but it rarely happens.

    Maybe there is a book club or a website for people that are just really *very* harsh critics ?? lol please someone send me there

    by lemonsqueeze8132


    1. For books (not groups) – History of the Rain by Niall Williams

      But also, honestly, all of Niall Williams’ stuff

    2. What genre do you like? I think contemporary fiction might be more up your alley. Try something like Sally Rooney

    3. iknow-whatimdoing on

      what are a few of your favorites? That would help narrow it down to something that would appeal to you.

    4. Look at the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Seems like you’re looking for literary fiction.

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