September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi — looking for good disaster / end of world / dystopia novels, BUT…

    ones that are less about an individual trying to survive against the odds, and more about the communities that come into shape in the (immediate) aftermath and **how humans collectively work together to survive.**

    And not just survive — **but to continue to find the things that make life meaningful: art, relationships, games.**

    As a reference point, I felt **the Last of Us** (esp TV show) had flashes of this done really well, that lifted it above just a grim survival tale. I think **Station Eleven** also thematically explored this well, albeit I didn’t find it a super engaging story.

    Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance 🙂

    *(also will consider non-fiction that looks at this phenomenon but primarily looking for fiction)*

    by NotTheAnts

    1 Comment

    1. It’s set quite down the line from some unspecified catastrophic event/series of events but A Psalm for the Wild Built shows a pretty interesting new way of rebuild society.
      You are basically shown the results of a through rebuilding effort that altered the very fabric of civilisation, and – for once – in a pretty positive way.
      The book is lovely and very positive, definitely not as gritty and dark as The Last of Us or Station Eleven, but it is really unique.

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