September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just curious. I’ve read some book summaries that sound like something I might enjoy, but I’m a little hesitant about picking them up. I still love Harry Potter since it was a big part of my childhood. I’ve read Hunger Games, Divergent, etc, but that was when I was a teen or my early 20’s. Now that I’m an old lady in my 30’s I’m not sure if new YA novels are fun as fluff books in between more serious novels, or if it’s strange for me to pick them up. I know it’s probably silly and that I should read what sounds interesting, but I still feel unsure. Do you just read what you like or do you stick to the recommended age?

    by vallyallyum


    1. I know you’re older I’m only in my early twenties but for me there are some good books but I’ve become too picky with the genre… When i was 14-15 i liked almost all young adult i read,,, now most young adult i pick up end up dissapointing me.

    2. philosophyofblonde on

      I do. I mean yes obviously the characters are “kids” but at the same time it’s fun and nostalgic to read about “firsts.”

      The first time someone falls in love, the first time they experience betrayal, the first time they have to make a hard choice etc. etc.. There’s a pretty broad range of quality when it comes to YA but yes, in general reading about people younger than myself has its place just like reading about people who are in the same season of life as I am and characters that are older and wiser.

    3. CallingTomServo on

      Occasionally, but they have become less and less interesting to me. My decreasing tolerance for angst usually outweighs my interest at this point.

      But yeah they can be a fun little palate cleanser once in a while.

    4. I’m in my late 60s and love to read YA novels. There’s a lot of wisdom in those books, and not a lot of gratuitous sex.

    5. _Diggus_Bickus_ on

      Hell yeah. I have to wade through technical documents at work all day. If I’m reading for pleasure on my own it’s gonna be an easy read with a page turning plot. Rarely anything that could be called literature.

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