July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For me, it was Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. His minimal use of punctuation makes the editor in me want to rip my hair out and makes it a chore trying to distinguish who is who in a conversation.

    The shocking imagery in The Road also fell flat for me (I blame the internet for desensitizing me to violence and gore).

    I’m currently reading Blood Meridian, considered by many to be one of the most disturbing pieces of fictitious literature, but I’m finding it just as enjoyable as The Road, which wasn’t very enjoyable at all.

    Which amazing books left you feeling disappointed/underwhelmed?

    by ManofWit


    1. The Starless Sea got a lot of hype a few years ago, it was middling; and I still can’t get myself very far into Snowcrash.

    2. House of Leaves.

      I just. I can’t. Yes I read the whole thing, yes I was open minded. Stuck it in a Little Free Library pretty much as soon as I finished cuz I just didn’t need it taking up space on my shelves. Sorry.

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