September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I am reading to kill a mockingbird right now. I am a slow reader and haven’t read that many books.

    I find TKAM a bit….dull. I don’t know if it’s the writing or the accents that they use or just the story in general that doesn’t appeal to me at all, but I find it a slog.

    Anyway I am on page 73 right now and I wondered if I should just keep going or let it go. How many pages do you read before deciding: “Well this ain’t going nowhere, time to stop”?

    by SillyJoey_


    1. baddreammoonbeam888 on

      I’m one of those who slogs through a book once I started it 🤷🏻‍♀️ since it’s a classic I’m gonna advise you to stick out til the end (it does get more interesting toward the middle-end from what I remember), but in general my advice is if you’ve read 50-100 pages of a book and haven’t enjoyed it at all then might as well stop. Reading is supposed to be a hobby for fun after all.

      I nearly DNF’ed brave new world by aldous Huxley recently. If I’d been reading it instead of listening to an audiobook I don’t know if I could’ve made it through lol… just incomprehensible and odd

    2. I’ve dumped a book on page one, and 80% of the way through. My advice is to put it aside, read something else, and come back to it some other time if you want.

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