September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Nearly all the characters of this novel are not original Californians. Where did they come from exactly? And how historically accurate are storylines like Harry’s or Tod’s (who moved just for film) in real life from that era? Any stats? I feel as if general 20th century migration was prevalent but specifically the time after the Great Depression? Can’t help but wonder. Perhaps they were seeking an escape within the pictures? Or they sought jobs?

    by stupiddumbgoldfish


    1. Florida is God’s waiting room because old people move there. That was California before they rebranded for youth culture.

    2. Nearly all Californians are not original anyway. Some Mexicans and a few pioneers maybe. They came from everywhere to work the resources. Gold, oil, timber, agriculture, mines and sunshine. The movies came for the light. The everlasting sun. The actors came for the movies. The east had many theaters doing plays and Ca. had few, so it was a gamble for the young and crazy. Hollywood was yes, extremely young and wild. The general migration was slow at that time. Dust bowl of course, but otherwise, no airplanes, long expensive trains, no interstate yet, 3000 miles of mountains, deserts and bad roads. No money, kinda crappy old cars on rough roads. Not for everybody for sure. Greenwich Village, Height Asbury, Laurel Canyon, Silicon Valley, were all the “place to be” for some people and Hollywood was for the entertainment world.

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