September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was sent here by r/books. I am not looking to start a political discussion first and foremost and I don’t want arguing on the post. I consider myself left leaning towards liberal. I always read a “banned” or challenged books during banned books week. The majority of the books I have read are challenged from a conservative perspective. (Ie books that contain LGBTQA+ themes that conservatives want out of libraries) This year id like to read a book that is challenged more by the left or more liberal group .I like to challenge myself and see things from others perspectives. Even if I don’t agree with those perspectives I enjoy gaining insight into why others think they way they do and reading allows me to do this. So fellow book lovers could you recommend some books challenged by more liberal groups? TIA!

    by Educational_Gap304


    1. It isn’t symmetric. Nobody left of Hitler wants people reading Ayn Rand, but their take is not to ban her stuff but to resist efforts to promote it.

    2. Most likely books by Phyllis Schlafly, just by titles alone I bet The Power of the Positive Women had Feminists wanting to ban and burn it.

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