September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What did you think of it? At first I was put off because it kind of looks like a graphic novel or even a comic book. But I stuck with it and finished it and just loved it. It was adorable and profound at the same time. The pictures, it turned out (for me) were hilarious. The text had fabulous non sequiturs, and the first person protagonist was working through depression, anxiety, and possibly some sort of spectrum situation. The book captivated me. What did you guys think?

    by Suzann7777


    1. gravitydefiant on

      I haven’t read it, but I’ve been an Allie Brosh fan for years. Hyperbole and a Half was fantastic, and her web comic about depression made me laugh and cry at the same time.

    2. I had been looking forward to it for a long time. It was much delayed due to the author’s personal difficulties. It was okay in the end, I guess? Certainly, you should read her other book if you haven’t already.

      The [Poop Mystery sample chapter]( is still available and is very much the high point, I think. I remember enjoying myself but can’t say I remember too much else from it.

      Allie Brosh subsequently made some lengthy rambling posts on Facebook (of all places), with lots of photographs and some further details of her process. I suggest looking them up if you can’t get enough.

      I thought it was neat that Joe Nobody cited Allie’s work as an inspiration at the end of [Joe vs Elan School]( But be warned that the material is very, VERY dark. (And extremely compelling. Don’t start reading it if you have immediate plans.)

    3. Hyperbole and a Half was INCREDIBLE. Then I eagerly awaited her follow-up, and the date kept getting pushed back, which was disappointing…and then by the time it finally came out and I read it I found it pretty underwhelming.

      So yea- since you enjoyed this one so much, I highly recommend you check out her first book!

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