September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It’s my first read by Victor Hugo; I’m really enjoying it, but man, do I hate Barkilphedro with every cell of my body.

    Seriously, I haven’t hated a character THIS MUCH since I was thirteen and first read Umbridge making Harry Potter write with his own blood. The scene where he tells Ursus about Gwymplaine’s supposed death (AND STEALS THE FRICKING MONEY) did it for me. I. HATE. THIS. MAN. I HOPE HE STEPS ON LEGOS FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!

    Oof. I had to get this out of my chest. Oh, my god, I’m about to jump into my laptop and slit this fucker’s throat Arya Stark style. FUCK HIM. I know The Man Who Laughs is a very sad story, but I’m hoping to god Victor Hugo at least gives me the cosmic justice to see this guy die a painful death.

    by Leticia_the_bookworm

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