September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents” and it’s really helped open my eyes more about the issues I have with my mom. To give some context, she’s of the emotional and rejecting type.
    Nothing has ever been her fault and I was always the problem. This resulted in a lot of guilt, shame, and severe lack of confidence and sense of self.

    My 11 year old brother displays a lot of the same behaviors and thought patterns I had at his age. He’s expressed to me that he feels guilty for existing and that he feels like no one loves him. I know my dad talks to him a lot and is aware of his issues but I want to be an emotionally stable person for him as well.

    I want to build him up to feel confident and loved, and teach him healthy coping mechanisms that will help him emotionally as he grows up.

    Could you please recommend parenting books or otherwise to help me understand how to help him?

    by basilmoonfaerie

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