July 2024
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    I love books that switch between different character’s perspectives. Some examples I’ve enjoyed are the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Dracula, World War Z, Devolution, and Foundation.

    by TurtleofAwesomeness


    1. Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

      “The story tells of junior high school students who are forced to fight each other to the death in a program run by a fictional, fascist, totalitarian Japanese government known as the Republic of Greater East Asia.”

    2. ApparentlyIronic on

      The First Law is a series similar to ASOIAF that has multiple POV characters in all its books. The first trilogy is told from maybe 5 or 6 characters POV’s, but there are standalones in the same universe that I think fit better.

      They are *Best Served Cold* and *The Heroes*. Most chapters switch POVs between the same 5 or 6 characters, but there are a couple of chapters that switch between 10+ characters. For example, *The Heroes* takes place in a 3-day battle between the savage northmen and the more well-equipped, but corrupt and less-skilled Union army. One chapter follows a character until they are killed, after which the POV switches to the killer until he dies; and so on and so on.

      If war isn’t your thing, the other book, *Best Served Cold* is a more by the numbers revenge story. The main protagonist assembles a seedy team to cross the 7 names off her list. It’s actually being made into a movie right now

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