July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone,
    Im a 18 year old male and I’ve never been someone who liked reading and I can’t remember ever finishing a book, until this week when I randomly picked up my Kindle. I read Animal Farm in only one reading session and then jumped to 1984 because i knew it was good but never read it. I finished it and now I started googling about what to read next but I’m just overwhelmed by all these different genres and I don’t know where to start.
    The only restriction I have is that the book shouldn’t be too long (max 500pages maybe).

    by EpicPaddy1


    1. Of Mice & Men, John Steinbeck

      Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

      Both are classics and not particularly long. But don’t be afraid to pick up some light fiction, even graphic novels. If you get yourself a library card (usually they’re free if you show proof of residence) the librarians can help you find whatever you’re interested in.

    2. The count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. This is good starting. I also read this book, when I was 18 years old

    3. If you’d like to try science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein’s **The Moon is a Harsh Mistress** is an easy read. Earth’s penal colony on the moon rebels.

      Martha Wells has a series of novellas named *Murderbot Diaries*. They are quick-paced, action-packed with minimal world-building. They follow an ex-military cyborg that hires out as a “Lone Ranger” type security to humans at the edge of the galaxy. The first one is **All Systems Red**.

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