September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book was on novelcat under the title “I Will Marry You” and the author is anonymous. The story starts with the FMC (Elizabeth/ E) running late for her BF’s B’day and ends up taking a shortcut where she meets the MMC (Hiram/ H) who was drugged with some arousal-inducing medicine, he rapes her and promises to find her and make things even. He gives her 3 options; to marry him, send him to jail, or charge millions as pealty. That night they were unable to see each other faces in the dark so he gives her a very rare coloured diamond ring as a token and leaves. Later, she learns that her BF was sleeping with her best friend, so she breaks up with both of them, leaves her selfish and abusive mother and brother, sells the diamond ring to the second female character/Snake (s) for money and moves to the suburbs to work at a construction site as an assistant to a big shot. Her boss is the man from that night but they dont know each other. H tries to search for the ring (the owner) and finds that S. S learns the truth about the ring before H and pretends to be E, the real victim. By this time E and H both are in love with each other but hide their feelings because they know they both know that they will never end up together. H tries to keep his promise and almost marries the snake but learns the truth and cancels the wedding, E also learns who the rapist is and starts hating him. She runs away from him and gets kidnapped by Carmen (C) the woman who drugged H with that sexual medicine at the beginning of the story, C wanted to get pregnant with his child and then try to force him to marry her. E escapes C’s house but encounters a road accident and suffers from memory loss, C takes advantage and helps her get settled somewhere far from the city, H battles with C and finally finds her etc etc…

    Hopefully, this will give you enough information to work with. My retelling of the story may or may not have done justice to the original book, but the book has left a huge impact on me. If you have ever read a novel remotely similar to this story, please let me know because I am head over heels in love with H. This has been around 4 to 5 years since I read this book, and I am not lying, I seriously am in love with this fictional man. Please help me!! please!!

    by ShaaluHaque

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