November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for non-fiction academic texts that explore depression and only depression (not just a general sickness or an issue like suicide) from a strictly psycho-sociological perspective, which means not viewing depression as a somatic or biological disorder in a positivistic or reductive (this may trigger some users) sense but as a subjective and mental phenomenon that extends far beyond the individual–a social sickness, that is. Something more suited to my taste would be understanding the causes of mass depression through examining the political structures and history. Examples: Julia Kristeva’s *Black Sun* (though this is quite difficult to read as I am not well-versed in Lacanian or Freudian psychoanalysis) and Andrew Solomon’s *The Noonday Demon.* Please spare me from self-help books or books that are only tangentially related to depression, such as Albert Camus’ *The Myth of Sisyphus*, or the fictional works of Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Dazai, Plath, Murakami, or Pessoa.

    **Note:** This is not a call to help with a school or college assignment; it is just a personal research (ugh, I hate using this word) project.

    by FrontEntertainer7805

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