September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished this book and it came to me highly recommended. I loved the first third of the book, I felt like Pardo’s writing lent itself really well to blending exposition and character moments and plot in a natural way. I also really liked the main character as a sort of twist on the kind of typical jaded detective type. I also left wanting more but not necessarily in a good way. It started really creative and interesting and the premise is really cool, but I felt like it kind of ended up leaning on genre tropes to almost a fault. But I liked it. Sorry if this is just me rambling, I’m super curious to see what other people got from the book because I honestly feel like I might be too dumb to get what the book was doing, and even if I didn’t miss anything I did like it.

    by VegetableFew6268

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