July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently I have finished the Song of Ice and Fire series, The Witcher Saga, and now I am on the Hussite Trilogy. I absolutely love all three – but I’ve been a little disappointed in my search to find books with the same vibe/feel with a gay main character, or with any LGBT characters that aren’t side characters really. So far it has felt like a lot of results end up being too “cutesy romance” – which I’m not looking for. I don’t really mind if the romance is a main focus or not, but I was just curious if anyone knew of anything similar to the vibe I’m looking for. I just want something like “here is gritty fantasy world + mc is gay or LGBT in some capacity”.

    by KoltSquire


    1. Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes has a bi female MC and other queer characters/love interests throughout 🙂 the main relationship is f/f and it’s definitely dark, gritty fantasy. I’m kinda meh on the series overall but the first book is quite good!

    2. Richard K. Morgan’s “A Land Fit for Heroes” trilogy is an adventure-fantasy about a group of adventurers getting back together. Main character is a gay man, with some gay and lesbian supporting characters. Author’s gone TERF-y lately, so consider buying second-hand.

      NK Jemisin’s “Broken Earth” trilogy has a bi male love interest for the female protagonist.

    3. I’ve seen “Black Leopard, Red Wolf” recommended in such searches before. I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet myself, but it’s on my To Read List as well.

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