July 2024
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    1. NerdLifeCrisis on

      I’d recommend “A Headful of Ghosts” by Paul Tremblay. It was creepy, unique, and I feel like there is plenty to discuss after everyone’s read it.

    2. If you’re looking to continue with the tried and true, Pet Semetary and IT are Stephen King at his scariest I think, however IT might be a little too lengthy for a book club.


      Aww Hill House is one of the few horror books that scared the crap out of me. The only other ones thus far have been ‘Salem’s Lot and Night Film. (Both a bit chunky for a book club unless you’re feeling ambitious…)

    4. cultmoviesandactors on

      Within these wicked walls by Lauren Blackwood

      Short synopsis:
      Andromeda is a debtera—an exorcist hired to cleanse households of the Evil Eye. When a handsome young heir named Magnus Rochester reaches out to hire her, Andromeda quickly realizes this is a job like no other, with horrifying manifestations at every turn, and that Magnus is hiding far more than she has been trained for. Death is the most likely outcome if she stays, but leaving Magnus to live out his curse alone isn’t an option. Evil may roam the castle’s halls, but so does a burning desire.

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